• Is AI Going To Take Over the World?

    It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a blog entry. Guess why? AI. I’ve been studying like crazy the last 6 months trying to catch up. There is so much to know about AI. I don’t consider myself an AI expert. But, I have earned the status of knowing more about AI than most people in most of the rooms I occupy. Here’s what I think you should know about AI. I’m going to apologize in advance, because it’s kind of a rant.

  • Why is my Mac slow?

    Here are the questions I ask when a Mac is slow.

  • Should I Buy Cryptocurrency?

    If you have to ask this question then the answer is a big no.

  • Do I Need a VPN?

    It depends. Nobody in my household uses VPN except me. And I can not do my job without VPN. To understand why, you need to understand what VPN is, and why people would use it. This post is going to be more technical than most. Here’s the foundation information you need to know in order to understand VPN.


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